So, I am officially embarking on a new adventure and joining the world of blogging. And…this is officially my inaugural entry!
Which raises an obvious question: Who will benefit from reading my blog?
Simple answer: Anybody. Better answer: Everybody.
Because EVERYBODY is part of a team in some capacity. Unfortunately, this is a fact that often seems to escape us. Nevertheless, it is very much true.
If you are involved in sports, it is easy to see yourself as being part of a team. But there are all kinds of teams besides just sports teams.
A classroom is a team. A school is a team. A community is a team. The company where you work is a team. And, of course, a family is a team.
As a member of a team, you should have a desire to be the best teammate you can be.
I have come to realize that every affliction affecting our society today—school bullying, domestic violence, the drug epidemic, political shenanigans, etc.—comes down to people not being good teammates.
Quite frequently, those problems are just a matter of individuals not recognizing that they are part of a team, and failing to grasp that, as such, their choices have a ripple effect on everyone around them, i.e. their teammates.
The goal of my blog is twofold. First, to help inspire you to be a better teammate. Second, to help you find ways to inspire those on your team to be better teammates.
Inspire being the optimum word. I want to provide you with the sort of stories and observations that compel change. After all, inspiration is the spark that ignites all great revolutions.
Let’s be honest, it can be difficult to directly confront a fellow teammate with a concern you have about the choices they are making, and the impact their choices are having on you and their other teammates. I hope my blog will give you another opportunity to do just that, by allowing my words to speak for you.
If you’ve made it this far and are still reading, then I want to express my sincere gratitude and say thank you. I think you are going to enjoy the ride.
I also want to give you the opportunity right now to start being a better teammate with a simple call
to action:
Invest in yourself and click here to subscribe to my blog. And…share this message with your teammates and ask them to subscribe, too.
Good teammates share, right?
With that, I will leave you with the signature signoff of my new blog…
Good teammates care. Good teammates share. Good teammates listen. Go be a good teammate.
Awesome, love what you wrote, so true! Looking forward to more reading. Thanks!
Right on. Everyone needs to reflect on this message, especially in order to teach our children! Leave LOVE.