Anyone who is part of a team experiences an “off-season”—a lull in activity, a break from the monotony, a calm before the next storm.
For sports teams, the off-season occurs between the end of one season and the start of the next. For teachers and educational teams, it takes place over summer break. For corporate teams, the off-season may not be as formally defined. It could be the end of a fiscal quarter or the period following tax time.
Whatever the case may be, what individual members of these respective teams do during this span influences their next “season.” Here are eight off-season habits of good teammates that set their teams up for future success:
1. They assess. Good teammates possess the humility to take a retrospective look at their performance from last season. They objectively evaluate what they did well, and what they didn’t. They don’t dwell on their past failures, nor their past victories, but they do make an effort to recognize both.
2. They recharge and reboot. Good teammates understand the toll the intensity of the previous “season” had on their minds and bodies. They devote specific time to rest and engage in fun, stress-free activities that hasten mental and physical recovery before moving onto the next season.
3. They set new objectives. Good teammates not only possess the humility to look back, but they also have the courage to look forward. They don’t rest on their laurels, accept defeat, or maintain the status quo. They are intentional about identifying objectives that will lead to prosperity.
4. They invest in personal development. Good teammates actively engage in opportunities to grow their knowledge. They find ways to improve upon their current skills and develop new skills. This may come from attending a conference, enrolling in a course, or hiring a personal trainer.
5. They include other team members. Good teammates are driven by team success, not individual success. They make certain to include other team members in personal development opportunities. They invite others to join them in training to get better—and they don’t accept no for an answer.
6. They continue to script their time. Good teammates appreciate how tight their schedules are during the season. They don’t allow the freedom of the off-season to cause them to become lazy and lapse in their time management. They continue to plan their day with diligence.
7. They stay connected. Good teammates maintain contact with other team members throughout the off-season. Some time away from each other can be beneficial, but too much weakens the bond. They strategically keep this from happening by communicating through random social media messages, texts, emails, and brief phone calls.
8. They form new relationships. Good teammates use the off-season to expand their field of influence. They reach out to individuals outside of their normal circle who may be knowledgeable in subjects about which they know little. Likewise, they seek to share their expertise with novices who may be less knowledgeable.
How do you approach your off-season? Do you incorporate the above habits into your approach? Good teammates must be forward thinking and see the off-season as the time to lay the framework for their teams’ success.
As always…Good teammates care. Good teammates share. Good teammates listen. Go be a good teammate.